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Sofa Beds

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Why Uberlyfe sofa cum Beds are bang for your buck

Sofa cum Bed Core

At first glance, all sofa cum beds seem the same. But what truly sets a long-lasting, comfortable sofa cum bed apart is its core.

After multiple iterations, we’ve cracked the engineering of a sofa cum bed with the right proportion of high-density structural foam sandwiched between layers of soft foam.

And because comfort preferences may vary, we offer customization options to make your sofa cum bed your way.

Premium Fabric Range

Uberlyfe sofa cum bed fabrics are premium because we use higher GSM fabric—densely woven and custom-made for durability.

While routine sofa cum beds settle for 250 GSM or lower, our sofa cum beds feature 450/500 GSM fabric, making them plush, pile-resistant, and tough enough to withstand stretching—especially when removing and refitting covers for cleaning.

Does this increase the cost? Yes. But does it drastically improve the sofa cum bed experience? Absolutely!

Fuss over finishing

GOD lies in the DETAILS... And that is why, we go to great lengths to ensure that every small detail is paid attention to.

We are the hardest taskmasters when it comes to getting the finishing right, and we take some kind of pride in that. Our customers testimony is a validation of our efforts

Lightning fast shipping

We know if you want it, you want it FAST!

70% of our sofa cum beds are delivered within 48 hours in cities such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi-NCR from our local warehouses

For other servicable cities, 75% of our sofa cum beds are delivered within 5 days. We love bringing delight to thousands of customers by delivering their sofa beds well before the expected deadline!!

Why Uberlyfe Sofa cum Beds?

  • Quality products with 1-year warranty

  • 3 Month NO Cost EMI for select banks

  • Fast Doorstep Delivery with Next day option

  • 10 Days Easy Return as per policy
